Monday 9 March 2015

Featuring Demogoroth Satanum

Good morning Risers and happy Tuesday, well this week we done did, got a treat for all that have a sense of adventure and a bit of darkness in them This week Featuring Demogoroth Satanum, first ever Heavy Metal Group to rock out of Soweto, peep out their crazy answers in this weeks Candid Interview.

Who is Demogoroth Satanum?

Demogoroth Satanum is a the first ever black metal band to come out of soweto. it a 5 piece band that have 2 guitarist, 1 bassist, 1 vocalist and 1 drummer.

What made you choose the career that you are doing now?

Well Metal has been the music that everyone in the band grew up listening to. so we decided that it only make sense to start a band.

Tell us more about your typical day?

 Haha all we can say is getting shitfaced and making music. those are the main 2 things that make us hang with each other haha.

What do you do when you are not doing what you regularly do? 

 Hmmmmmm we mostly do what we regularly do when we don't do what we regularly do. So yeah, our lived revolves around getting shitfaced and making music. 

Tell us about the best part of your work?

The best part got to be travelling around and playing your music for different people. It is always awesome seeing people headband while you are on stage because it means that they appreciate what we do, And they will buy you beers after you get off stage, and free beers are always the best. 

How/where do you see yourself/your work in the next 3 / 5 years from now?

 We wanna see ourselves doing bigger tours and playing gigs overseas. 

What is your favorite memory performing as a band?

Playing a gig at Botswana got to be the best memory yet. those crazy fukkers made us feel welcomed and everyone was fukking shit up

What are your highlights as a band?

Playing the biggest metal gig in Africa next month (2nd until 6th April). the name of the gig is Witchfest and there will be 13 International bands that we actually grew up listening and looking up to and now we will be playing the same gig with them

Who is your inspiration/role model?

There are too many to mention :-)

If you could be an animal for a day what animal would it be and why?

Haha a Siberian Tiger. because no one f**k around with that motherfukker  

First thing you did when you woke up this morning?

I opened my eyes. 

You are a Superhero, what would your super power be?

Between shapeshift and teleporting

What was the last gift you gave someone?

Laughter, because we are cheap like that

Are you a night owl or morning person?

F**k morning people :-)

What is your favorite chill out spot?

Any spot that is blasting metal

Which Actor would best play your character?

I don't think we have actors crazy enough to play our characters 

What movie best describes your work ethic?

Horror. lots of it 

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Hahaha we have a lot of those. it would probably take days to list them all

If this is our last ever conversation, what words of wisdom would you leave me with?

Stay awesome you sexy motherf***er 

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