Monday 2 March 2015

Featuring Bianca Williams

From the enigmatic and beautiful Lex Lafoy, this week we bring you Ms Bianca Williams, poet, rapper and well from our point of view also Super Woman. She took time out from her busy schedule to let us pick her brain a little. Enjoy the Candid Interview and have a lovely Tuesday.


Who is Bianca Williams?

Bianca Williams is a young African woman who is focused on living and growing according to African ideals.

What made you choose the career that you are doing now?

My passion is my calling. It drives every decision I make when it comes to how I spend my time and energy in how I live and what I do. I have a true love and interest for the development of African youth - doing this through my music, poetry and my work through my non-profit organization, Khulisani Foundation.

Tell us more about your typical day?

If I’m not traveling across the country running my holistic development program in schools, I am a mom that does the school run and I’m a director that develops programs and ideas that are innovative in the development of the youth. I could be at the office on a Sunday night or at home on a Tuesday morning.

What do you do when you are not doing what you regularly do?

I’m not sure how to answer this question because I never stop doing what I do. Whether it’s being a mom, an emcee, a poet, a singer, a youth advocate or a businesswoman. All these roles occupy my everyday regularly.

Tell us about the best part of your work?

Making a difference. Not as a slogan or pay-off line but really when I see the difference in my own life. The impact that my experience with young people from different backgrounds has on my spirit informs me that I’m doing what I love and doing it the right way. The work really is its own reward and if I can make a small contribution towards positive thinking and action in someone else’s life, it’s double the reward.

How/where do you see yourself/your work in the next 3 / 5 years from now?

The same way I see myself now. I’m growing my footprint as an activist in youth development, a woman in business, a true idealistic emcee and as an attentive contributor to those near and dear to me.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

So many! My happiest memories are of me doing what I love.. Being able to freely express myself whether at home, at school or on the stage. I was lucky enough to be blessed with a family whose love and confidence was my wealth.

What do you think of todays' trends in social media and society in general?

Many things are good and even more are wack! I like the idea of using that tool to enlighten and spread positivity to others. I don’t approve of the bullying, the disrespect, the vanity and the idea that people measure their worth by the number of “likes” and “follows”.. None of that is real or valuable unless it makes people and the world better.

Who is your inspiration/role model?

I admire a lot of qualities in a lot of people. Some are close to me, some are not, some I don’t even know personally but they all have something special about them that makes me take note and try to embody those qualities in my own life.

If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the President's office what type of parade would it be?

If? More like when! The young people in our programs are working on one now. We need a real revolution!

"What is your least favorite thing about humanity?

I overstand that although there are so many injustices in the world, humanity needs that balance so we can learn, grow and fulfill our purposes in this life. I just wish we could all strive for righteousness.

"You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

Perhaps purple… It’s a royal color, you know! ;) But on other days, I’d be a hue of blue and maybe even some green.

"What was the last gift you gave someone?

My presence and attentiveness. You have no idea how rare that is these days because people replace that with things.

Are you a night owl or morning person?

I could be both but I’m not fond of early morning meetings.. Early mornings are reserved for my family and myself.

Are you messy or a neat freak?

I prefer order and cleanliness. I cannot function in a messy environment.

If your were to change the color of year dreads? Pink or Purple and Why?

LOL! I wouldn’t! Black is bold and strong… Like me! ;)

Shisa nyama or Pub?


What is your most embarrassing moment?

I’ve had quite a few... Some funny, others not so much. I don’t dwell on those though, it’s hard for me to even remember one moment now.

If this is our last ever conversation, what words of wisdom would you leave me with?

Always strive to say, do and be the right thing.

Twitter: BiancaWilliams_
Instagram: MsBiancaWilliams

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