Monday 6 April 2015

Featuring Lee-Roy Cook

Good morning Risers and happy Tuesday, hope you all had a lovely and well rested long weekend. As our traditional curtain raiser for the week we bring you yet another CAN-DID INNER-VIEW with Mr Lee-roy Cook, enjoy :)

Who is Lee-Roy Cook?

Lee-Roy Cook is a passionate writer, teacher, rapper and poet.  I have a deep love for arts, especially literature and the spoken word.

What made you choose the career that you are doing now?

The catalyst that made me choose the career which I’m currently doing is a chance, an opportunity I received. It’s quite interesting that I find myself on this current career path. As, I still laugh every time I think about how I use to tell people that I will never become a teacher and funny enough that’s exactly what I became! I became a rapper after hearing how old Chris Brown was when he released his first album, we were the same age so I thought I can do that. Well I couldn’t sing though, so I guess rapping was the next best thing for me.

Tell us more about a typical day?

The alarm on my cell phone goes off at 05:00 am and then I’m up ready to tackle the day at hand. I do a 15 minute workout session; go in and out the bathroom, have breakfast and read before I leave the house at 06:40 am. I sign into work at 07:15 and sign out at 14:45 pm.  When I arrive home my professional attire is replaced by sweat pants, t-shirts and training sneakers. I hit the gym at 4pm for an hour session on week days. After gym I'd do some reading, writing and work on my rap music. Preparing my lesson for the coming day would be the next task on my agenda. My days usually end around mid-night, some days later than others though.

What do you do when you are not doing what you regularly do?

In my spare time I watch movies, go out with friends to theaters, attend workshops, events and listen to music.

Tell us about the best part of your work?

The best part of being a teacher for me has to be the learner’s eagerness to learn, the many laughs and joy they bring into the classroom. As a rapper and performing poet it has to be the affirmation I get when people come up to me and say they love what I do or that they enjoyed my performance. That for me is priceless.

How/where do you see yourself/your work in the next 3/5 years from now?

In the next 3-5 years I see myself improving my teaching methods and becoming a more effective teacher. I will also become an award winning rapper, making music that is locally and globally recognized and celebrated. My first album would be out and I'd be performing all over the country and in other countries as well.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Switching classes with my twin brother in grade 1 was one of my favorite childhood memories. The teachers could never catch on. Haha!

What do you think of Today's trends in social media and society in general?

Today's trends on social media and society in general shows how being young has been redefined and those who become old are those who refuse to move with the times.

Who is your inspiration/role model?

My inspiration is my mom Elaine Elizabeth Stevens, her love for people and hard work ethic has inspired me in so many ways. Also, one of my mentors Don Mattera has influence my writing style and helped me become a better writer.

If you could be an animal for a day what animal would it be and why?

If I could be an animal for a day it would be a Hyena. There are two things I like about this animal their unity when hunting in packs and the laughing sound they tend to make. I have a sense of humor and believe in sharing a few good laughs from time to time to keep the blood levels low. J

What is the name of the last book you read?

Memory is the weapon written by Don Mattera. This is his autobiography and offers an inside look into South African history which has not been told before.
Which Super Hero do you want to see the most in real life?

The super hero I would like to see the most in real life is Hercules.

What was the last gift you gave someone?

The last gift I gave someone was a snap back cap yoh!

Are you a night owl or morning person?

I’m a night owl person as I prefer working until I'm really tired.

What is your favorite toothpaste brand?

My favorite toothpaste brand has to be Colgate.

If you were to meet Shakespeare what would I ask him?

If I were to meet Shakespeare I would ask him to recite one of his famous poems 'Shall I compare thee to a summers day' . I would love to hear the man himself.

What song best describes your work ethic?

The song that best describes my work ethic is ‘i’ by Kendrick Lamar.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

I was dancing on the dance floor with a girl who had asked me to accompany her to her matric farewell. The music was pumping and everyone was on the dance floor. I was dancing with my partner and as I went down to show them how low I can go I heard a screaking sound and under inspection swore I had thorn my pants right don’t the front end along the path of my zip. I left  the dance floor without telling my partner and took my seat straight away. Lol!

If this is our last ever conversation, what words of wisdom would you leave me with?

There are two types of people in this world; those who say they care and those you show they care. Love is not a verb it’s an action. Talk less and let your actions do the speaking for you!

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